New baby. Burst pipe. Sewage backup. Happy in-laws.

There’s never a good time for bad things to happen. But this was especially poor timing. Samantha and Tarik Aziz just had a baby one month earlier. Samantha’s parents were coming to visit. Then, two separate disasters happened in their home—just one day apart. It was too much; they didn’t know what to do.


Chubb stepped in and handled the problem. They found a rental house for the whole family. Meanwhile, they repaired their home in less than a month. As a builder of luxury homes, Tarik understood the challenges involved in repairing water damage. He was impressed by the speed and quality of the repairs. As for Samantha’s parents, they had a great time, and the Aziz family was soon back to their normal routine.


With decades of experience, Chubb knows how to deal with water damage, fire, burglary, storm damage and a host of other disasters—whenever they might happen. And with Masterpiece® homeowners insurance, temporary housing, additional living expenses, risk consulting, and many other features are automatically included. Whatever happens, Chubb can help you through it.

Claim Details


Alberta, Canada


$2.5 billion per year

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Client Stories

Hear stories from clients who experienced the Chubb difference first-hand.
Clay P
One summer, wildfires threatened to destroy the Pulliam’s home, which has been in the family for almost 80 years.
Clay P. Possum Kingdom, TX
Randy B
When Randy and his wife experienced a house fire right before Thanksgiving, they were thankful to have Chubb on their side.
Randy B., Fleetwood, NC
Carol W.
"I feel privileged to be a client of Chubb. I feel secure. I’m happy to be a member of the Chubb family."
Carol W., Chicago, IL
Marc & Deb
After Marc and Deb’s newly-built dream home flooded, Chubb was there at a moment’s notice to make them whole again.
Marc & Deb, Calgary, Alberta Canada
Nancy M
Nancy had never heard a good insurance story. But when a storm came through and a tree fell and destroyed her home, Chubb stepped in to prove her wrong.
Nancy M., Bluffton, SC
Kirtley C.
When Kirtley and her family lost their home in a fire, Chubb committed to making their lives easier every step of the way.
Kirtley C. Bedford, NY
Paul M
When a leak in Paul’s kitchen required a complete renovation, Chubb was there every step of the way.
Paul M., Breckenridge, CO
Kathy L.
When a water hose on Kathy’s washing machine burst, Chubb exceeded her expectations in restoring her home.
Kathy L., Atlanta, GA

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