lynn s

"Chubb works with you, and for you."

Lynn S. | Dallas, TX

It was handled flawlessly. Everything I thought of, Chubb already had.

While Lynn hosted a party at her new home, a fire in her outdoor fireplace spread to her roof. Lynn rushed to get her family and guests out safely, including her two grandchildren, who were upstairs watching TV, and her dog.


That same night, a Chubb adjuster was there to walk Lynn through next steps and her restoration plan, even hand-delivering a check to her the next morning so she could buy new clothes and belongings. But that was just the beginning of the service Lynn experienced.

Claim Details


Dallas, TX


Claim Incident

November 2014


Chubb client since


Annual cost of property loss due to fires

$10 billion per year in the US


Insurance agent

Swingle Collins
13760 Noel Road
Suite 600
Dallas, TX 75240

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One summer, wildfires threatened to destroy the Pulliam’s home, which has been in the family for almost 80 years.
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"I feel privileged to be a client of Chubb. I feel secure. I’m happy to be a member of the Chubb family."
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After Marc and Deb’s newly-built dream home flooded, Chubb was there at a moment’s notice to make them whole again.
Marc & Deb, Calgary, Alberta Canada
Nancy M
Nancy had never heard a good insurance story. But when a storm came through and a tree fell and destroyed her home, Chubb stepped in to prove her wrong.
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Kirtley C.
When Kirtley and her family lost their home in a fire, Chubb committed to making their lives easier every step of the way.
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When a leak in Paul’s kitchen required a complete renovation, Chubb was there every step of the way.
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