Coverage Highlights

Your organization’s general liability and umbrella insurance may not cover the financial consequences of litigation brought or criminal activities perpetrated, by a long list of constituents. ForeFront Portfolio for Not-for-Profit Organizations offers the following optional coverages to assist you in managing your organization’s exposures:


  • Directors & officers and entity liability
  • Employment practices liability
  • Fiduciary liability
  • Crime
  • Kidnap, ransom, and extortion


Key Features
  • Policy design is easy to navigate with streamlined new business application forms tailored to your company’s size
  • Through an array of standalone coverages, limit levels, and optional enhancements, the policy can evolve with your company as it grows
  • Customers can select their level of protection with either:
    • A combined aggregate limit of liability for all their liability coverage sections or
    • Separate aggregate limits of liability for each individual liability coverage section
  • In addition, you gain access to Chubb’s state-of-the- art optional loss prevention tools and services including:
    • ChubbWorks, a free on-line resource for ForeFront Portfolio for Not-for-Profit Organization customers offering loss prevention information specifically targeted towards not-for-profit organizations like yours


Why Chubb?

Chubb Small Business leverages superior underwriting expertise with the world renowned claims, account services, and financial strength that you expect from Chubb.

New Business Application

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