Chris L

"Chubb was there and they listened. They were fantastic. I’m living proof of what they stand behind."

Chris L. | Vancouver, BC Canada

Chubb provided peace of mind when Chris needed it most.

It was a nice day, so Chris decided to walk to a meeting. A woman lost control of her car and hit Chris, crushing him against a wall and breaking his leg. When Chris discovered the woman didn’t have enough insurance to cover his medical expenses, he was glad his insurance agent had convinced him and his wife that they needed additional insurance.


While Chris was out of work, recovering, his Chubb insurance provided Chris with the additional coverage he and his family needed to live – and the peace of mind to focus on what was important. Today, Chris and his wife advocate for Chubb insurance, and thankful every day for the life they have.

Claim Details


Vancouver, BC Canada


Chubb client since


Did you know…

13% of (one in eight) drivers are uninsured per the Insurance Research Council


Insurance agent

JT Insurance
1177 Hornby Street
Vancouver, BC V67 2E9

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Client Stories

Hear stories from clients who experienced the Chubb difference first-hand.
Clay P
One summer, wildfires threatened to destroy the Pulliam’s home, which has been in the family for almost 80 years.
Clay P. Possum Kingdom, TX
Samantha & Tarik A
There’s never a good time for bad things to happen. But this was especially poor timing. Two separate disasters happened in their home—just one day apart. It was too much; they didn’t know what to do.
Samantha & Tarik A., Alberta, Canada
Randy B
When Randy and his wife experienced a house fire right before Thanksgiving, they were thankful to have Chubb on their side.
Randy B., Fleetwood, NC
Scott K
Scott has always relied on Chubb for a claims experience with as little stress and hassle as possible.
Scott K., Dallas, TX
Ronald & Noah
"I can’t imagine having any other insurer other than Chubb."
Ronald & Noah, New York, NY
Evan L.
Long-time client Evan has never endorsed any company but Chubb.
Evan L., Weston, CT
Carol W.
"I feel privileged to be a client of Chubb. I feel secure. I’m happy to be a member of the Chubb family."
Carol W., Chicago, IL
Marc & Deb
After Marc and Deb’s newly-built dream home flooded, Chubb was there at a moment’s notice to make them whole again.
Marc & Deb, Calgary, Alberta Canada

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