After reviewing this section, you will be able to:
This section will show you how to effectively manage invoices and purchase orders (POs) within the Coupa Supplier Portal. You will learn how to receive and acknowledge purchase orders, create PO-backed and non-PO invoices, and handle credit notes and payments.
This section includes:
Purchase Orders (POs)
Receiving purchase orders
Creating an Invoice
Once the goods have been shipped or services have been completed, you will issue an invoice to indicate order fulfillment.
1. Navigate to the PO
Click on the Orders tab.
2. Open the Create Invoice form
Invoicing: General Info
3. Enter the invoice number and line details
4. General Info
There is only one ship-to per purchase order/invoice. If you have a multi-state delivery, you will need to send multiple invoices.
Invoicing: Line Items
5. Lines
Invoicing: Additional Lines
You may want to add additional lines to an invoice, and there are 3 ways to do it. For North American invoices (example below), multiple lines may have differ in tax.
6. Additional Lines
Invoicing: Total & Taxes
Suppliers will be able to input separate charges and overall taxes through the total and taxes section including charges for shipping, handling, and miscellaneous.
7. Total & Taxes
Invoicing: Calculate & Submit
US and Bermuda suppliers will add tax at the bottom of the invoice. Let’s say there are no shipping or miscellaneous charges on this invoice, but the tax on the item is 10%.
8. Calculate the Invoice Total
Now that all fields have been filled in, it is time to decide what to do next with the invoice.
9. Submit, Save, Cancel, or Delete
10. Next Steps
What's Next?