palm trees swaying in hurricane winds

When it comes to vacations, coastal and subtropical resorts often top the list for hurricane-related exposures. That puts many of the hospitality industry's most popular and valuable real estate at the greatest risk from hurricanes and tropical storms. Major windstorms can jeopardize lives, cause significant damage to buildings and property, disrupt customer services and stifle revenue streams, but proper hurricane risk management can help limit losses and speed recovery.


Companies that implement clear, actionable plans help to protect their staff and guests, minimize property damage, make their operations more resilient and expedite recovery after the storm passes.


Read our advisory to learn more about hurricane risk management — before, during and after the catastrophe — for:


  • Property exposures
  • Environmental exposures
  • Guests and staff

Helping One of the Most Hurricane-Exposed Industries

Download our advisory "When Hurricanes Threaten, Planning Makes the Difference" to learn the latest on hurricane preparation, emergency planning, catastrophe insurance and more for the hospitality industry.


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