How to prepare for a Wildfire
With a record number of wildfires, acres burned, and homes destroyed in recent years, we’ve put together some proactive steps you can take to keep your family and home safe.
Stay a step ahead and protect your home from wildfires.
With Wildfire Defence Services, we can help protect your family, home and property at no additional charge with proven wildfire management techniques that have saved our policyholders millions in property damage.
Chubb partners with Wildfire Defense Systems, Inc. (WDS) to bring you valuable protection before, during, and after a wildfire. As a leading wildfire management organization in North America, WDS offers the expertise of fire professionals with over 35 years of wildfire experience, including fire management experience with US based municipalities, federal and state agencies.
Wildfire Defence Services is available to all eligible Chubb homeowner’s policyholders in the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta. WDS services single home properties up to the 56th parallel in British Columbia and the 57th parallel in Alberta. Condominium, Cooperative and Renters policies, as well as island locations, are not eligible for this service.
With Wildfire Defence Services, you’ll receive monitoring prevention, and mitigation services to help keep your family and home protected from the potentially devastating effects of wildfires.
Here are a few highlights of our Wildfire Defence Services:
Before Wildfire Season (Year-Round Service)
A Chubb Risk Consultant can provide a personalized wildfire hazard assessment (available upon request), with specific recommendations for how to protect your home in the event of a wildfire. For example, they can help recommend ways to reduce the fuel around your home that may feed a wildfire (e.g., combustible materials like woodpiles or grass welcome mats) or identify other protective measures, like installing water tanks, pumps, or sprinkler systems that can be used in the event of a wildfire.
After the Threat Has Passed
WDS will return combustible material and other items that may have been temporarily relocated, as well as remove any fire-blocking gel that may have been applied to the home. During this time, WDS would be available to answer any questions you may have around our response. And, of course, we can help you process a claim if your home sustained any damage.
As a Wildfire Approaches
WDS will work with you to proactively defend your home. Deploying certified fire professionals to your home if a wildfire is threatening your area.
Chubb and WDS will make every effort to help protect our client’s homes from threatening wildfires. Our efforts in the US have been extremely successful, with millions of dollars in property saved from wildfire damage. There is no guarantee that our actions can prevent damage to our clients’ homes. There may be instances when Chubb will not be able to provide defence services, such as when conditions become too perilous for wildfire fighters to enter the area. WDS will serve as an additional resource to other public wildfire responders. WDS will coordinate with local authorities to safely access our client's property. However, there may be situations where WDS cannot provide their services, and there is no guarantee that their services will prevent damage.
If you live in the province of Alberta or British Columbia, and you received a notice or policy documents confirming your enrolment, there is no further action needed. If a client wishes to opt out of this service, they can email wildfiredefenceoptout@chubb.com, providing their name, policy number, and the address(es) they wish to exclude from the service.
Please contact your insurance broker if you are a client and have questions regarding Chubb’s Wildfire Defence Service.
We help you stay ahead — and informed with these helpful tips and tricks
How to prepare for a Wildfire
With a record number of wildfires, acres burned, and homes destroyed in recent years, we’ve put together some proactive steps you can take to keep your family and home safe.
5 ways to make your home more resistant to wildfire
Whether you’re building a new home or renovating an existing one, incorporating fire-resistive materials can help protect your home from wildfires and enable it to act as a fire break, potentially reducing the size of the fire and helping firefighters get it under control more easily.
Protecting your art and other valuables from wildfire damage
With wildfire seasons getting longer every year, you’ll want to take steps to protect your home, art and other collectibles.
Protect your home from wildfires with ember-resistant vents
The right vents can help keep your home safe during wildfire season.
The non-insurance products and services described herein are provided by Wildfire Defense Systems, Inc., a third party vendor not affiliated with Chubb. This information is descriptive only. All products may not be available in all provinces and territories. Coverage is subject to the language of the policies as issued. Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at www.chubb.com/ca-en. Insurance provided by Chubb Insurance Company of Canada or Chubb Life Insurance Company of Canada (collectively, “Chubb Canada”). All products may not be available in all provinces or territories. Chubb Canada, Suite 2500, 199 Bay Street, Toronto ON M5L 1E2.
Contact a broker today.