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Your institution, whether public or private, trade school or major university, presents unique exposures. If left unchecked, these exposures can cause major damage to your facilities, your reputation, and even delay the on-time opening of your facility for the next semester. These impacts could result in financial impact, or even the closure of your institution.

Chubb risk engineers can help you identify and control these exposures. Examples of services Chubb has provided for educational institutions include:

  • Property protection addressing special protection needs associated with chemical storage, high value analytical equipment, laboratory activities, student accommodation and valuable library and art collections
  • Equipment breakdown evaluations
  • Risk control programs
  • Review of fire protection designs and fire properties of new building construction
  • Review of food service operations, to include food safety and kitchen employee safety
  • Evaluation and mitigation of slip and fall exposures
  • Machine guarding
  • Physical security evaluations

Chubb risk engineers have extensive experience with educational institutions just like yours, and years of experience addressing property protection and general liability exposures.

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