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Through our established Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) entities and company-sponsored volunteer initiatives, Chubb has been contributing to societies and creating social footprints around the world. We’re a firm believer that positive contributions to the fabric of our communities will return long-lasting benefits to society, our employees and our company. 

Check out how Chubb giving back to the local community through its various community outreach activities here:

Chubb in Malaysia Supports Reforestation Efforts in Borneo - 2022

In celebration of World Environment Day 2022, Chubb in Malaysia planted 220 trees under Animal Projects & Environmental Education Sdn. Bhd. (APE Malaysia)’s Restore Our Amazing Rainforest (ROAR) programme at the Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary, Sabah.  Besides contributing to reforestation and mitigating climate change, this initiative also aims to benefit the wildlife and local community in the years to come.


Women’s Empowerment through Self-Defence – 2021

In conjunction with International Women’s Day, celebrated annually, three sessions of women-only self-defence workshops were held to empower the female employees and business partners. Designed and facilitated by SheFights Malaysia, the participants were taught the basics of self-protection skills to deal with common situations of harassment and violence.

Lights Out, Lace Up - 2021

Earth Hour is more than just switching off the lights. It’s also about spending time to connect to the Earth and appreciate everything that nature gives us. Therefore, Chubb in Malaysia sponsored 46 employees to participate in WWF-Malaysia’s inaugural Earth Hour Virtual Run for Nature. Over a period of four weeks, they completed a total distance of more than 500km in support of efforts to save the wildlife and forests. All registration proceeds were channelled to WWF-Malaysia’s crucial conservation efforts.

Lights Out, Lace Up

Greening the Blue – 2021

Chubb’s environmental awareness programme, Greening the Blue was back again in celebration of the World Environment Day. Highlight of the event was the webinar titled “Journey to Zero Waste” which aims to create awareness about zero waste. Presented by Ms. Melissa Tan, a celebrity advocate for Zero Waste Malaysia, the webinar saw participation of more than 170 Chubb employees and business partners. Other activities lined up included home gardening workshop and movie screening.

Greening the Blue

Choose to Refuse Single Used Plastic – 2021

In conjunction with Plastic Free July, Chubb employees joined the global movement to reduce single-use plastic in their day-to-day life and be part of the solution to end plastic pollution.

Choose to Refuse Single Used Plastic

Bridging Digital Divide – 2021

Every student deserves a fair chance oneducation, especially during the pandemic. As such, Chubb donated used computers to be refurbished by 'Plugged in Malaysia', a charity organisation founded by 15-year-old John Ling that aids student from lower-income families. This initiative also complements Chubb’s environmental goal to make a positive impact by reducing e-waste send to landfill.

Bridging Digital Divide

Colours of Chubb Drawing Contest – 2020

At Chubb in Malaysia, craftsmanship goes beyond the skillful work of professionals. It is also in the imaginative creations of kids. For this, a drawing contest was held for students of Sekolah Kebangsaan (L) Bukit Bintang 1. Students across the ages of 7 to 9 illustrated their creativity by drawing and colouring their artwork based on the theme – Colours of Chubb. As a token of appreciation, Chubb contributed RM5,000 to the school alongside with Chubb reusable face masks to all the teachers and students.

Colours of Chubb Drawing Contest

Pandemic Relief Effort – 2020

As part of the company’s commitment to pandemic relief efforts, Chubb Charitable Foundation contributed US$10,000 (equivalent to approximately RM42,000) to The Lost Food Project (TLFP). Chubb’s grant helped to provide critical food aid to TLFP’s nationwide network of 56 charities in the Klang Valley and Johor Bahru as well as 7,500 People’s Housing Project (PPR) families, all of which experienced a significant surge in need during the pandemic.

Read more about this event here.

Pandemic Relief Effort


Chubb once again made a positive contribution to the community by gathering its employees to give the gift of life at a blood donation drive in September 2019. Together with the support and participation from the big-hearted employees, the event managed to collect 60 pints of blood which can be used to save 180 lives.

Blood Donation Drive


On 15 August 2019, 20 staff volunteers from Chubb visited underprivileged children from Rumah Safiyyah and helped to refurbish its existing makeshift library with brand new book shelves, furniture and carpet. 

A total of 307 books were collected from a book drive held earlier on 24 July and donated to the library. Volunteers also organized activities to further cultivate the love of reading in the children.

Read more about this event here.

Supporting Literacy Development For Underprivileged Children


Inline with its Corporate Environmental Program and the World Environment Day in June, Chubb in Malaysia organised ‘Greening the Blue’, an in-house event centered around a series of initiatives to encourage employee awareness and action for environmental protection.

Among the activities held throughout the event period included recycling drive, work stations de-cluttering exercise, environmental educational talks and workshops. A total of RM5,000 was collected from the recycling drive and the proceeds were donated to WWF Malaysia in support of their marine conservation efforts. 

Read more about this event here

Greening The Blue


Chubb in Malaysia celebrated lives under its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative with its annual Blood Donation Drive on 25 July 2018. 

Employees were encouraged to give a shout out to their noble act as well as Chubb’s CSR initiatives by sharing photos with #chubbblooddonation and mentioning Chubb’s CSR page at on their personal social media page.

With the support and generosity from its employees, Chubb has successfully collected 78 pints of blood which can be used to save up to 234 lives.

Celebrating Lives by Giving The Gift of Life


Chubb in Malaysia celebrated the World Environment Day, with a “Tree Planting Campaign” to spread the awareness of protecting the earth’s natural environment to its employees.

20 tree huggers from the head office in Kuala Lumpur joined the initiative on 5 June 2018 at the Free Tree Society Kuala Lumpur Nursery, Bangsar to learn about the importance of environmental stewardship while giving back to the nature at the same time.

Planting a Greener Tomorrow


In conjunction with the International Earth Day, Chubb hosted the Chubb Earth Day at its head office in Malaysia to inspire awareness and appreciation for a greener environment in everyday life among its employees.

A Paper Recycling Campaign and a Go Green Video Contest were organised on 20 April 2018 to collect paper waste as well as to encourage employees to share creative ways on how to “Go Green” in the office. 

Chubb Earth Day