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The long-term impacts of a global pandemic. Instability, uncertainty, and a tendency to hoard resources. A hardening insurance market with more competition on cost from new providers and digital disruptors.

Clients have never wanted more from their insurance brokers, making it harder than ever for you to succeed. So as they shift their focus to stability, survival, and the future, you need to ensure conversations go far beyond price, to focus on the value you bring.

In these uncertain times and challenging conditions, Chubb is here to support you and your business, and equip you with the insights and tools you need to stay a step ahead.

Overcoming uncertainty

As your clients' challenges change, your approach to adding value needs to change. Chubb has partnered with Paul Reilly, President of Reilly Training and specialist in value-added selling, to show you how you can navigate the uncertain waters of today's market, and create more value for your clients.

The experts' opinion

Get inspired by our virtual sales training session with Paul Reilly, where we give you all the tools you need to make the most of our research, and answer any questions you might have.


Dive into the conversation with our live virtual sales training session. Learn how to use the right tactics to build stronger client relationships, and get the results you want.

This live session is accredited with 1 CPD point from IBANZ.


Date: 28 April 2022


Time: 12pm - 1pm (NZ Daylight Time)




Introduction by Andrew Brooks, Country President New Zealand, Chubb.

Featured speaker: Paul Reilly, President, Reilly Training. Author of Value-Added Selling and Selling Through Tough Times.

The headlines from our research

Chubb surveyed over 3,000 business and consumer prospects in 15 countries, to find out exactly what's keeping them up at night in today's uncertain market. Here are just a few of the headlines.


are more price-sensitive than they were before the pandemic.


would still be willing to pay more for insurance if someone proactively assessed their vulnerability. 


want brokers to empathise and see problems from their perspective.


are open to speaking to experts and advisors to reduce uncertainty.


place more importance on the quality of their coverage than two years ago.

See the full picture

Download the full research report, or get a quick overview of how businesses and consumers are thinking, and what's impacting their buying behavior.

Research report

Our full set of findings, analysis, and tactics for selling in uncertain times. 



Quick-reference guide

The highlights of our research and survey results, at a glance. 



10 steps for sales success

Value made easy - just watch the video

Join Paul Reilly as he runs through the 10 most important takeaways from the Selling in Uncertain Times materials, and what you should be doing right now to start selling value.

Additional resources

To give you even more insights that cover today's uncertain market, and how you can succeed in it.



PRS case study: James going the extra mile
Value Added Selling Worksheet

Contact Us

We're here to help you succeed. Reach out to one of our dedicated sales leads to find out how we can help make this campaign work for you.