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David Haak blog

26 May 2023

Winter is almost upon us and often at a time when we hunker down, things seem to get busier than ever.

We have a very exciting month coming up and I hope you received the Save the Date for our Chubb Connect events around the country on 23 June. You’ll hear about some exciting innovations that will benefit both you and your customers. Look out for your invite next week, it promises to be a great day.

  • Two Months’ Free extension

To help give your customers another great reason to choose Chubb Life, we’ve decided to further extend our Two Month’s Free offer until 30 June 2023. While we have some exciting innovations in the pipeline, we know it can be a tough time of the year so we hope this will help provide fresh conversation starters for new and existing customers.

  • Adviser survey

Next week we’re undertaking a survey to help us understand what’s important to you and how we can further develop our services and enhance your experience.

On 29 May a number of you will receive an email with a survey link from our trusted research partner, One Picture (the email will come from We’ll be asking about your experience with interactions across Chubb Life including distribution, product, claims, underwriting and commissions. It shouldn’t take more than 15-20 minutes.

We greatly appreciate your partnership and support and look forward to continuing to work alongside you


David Haak
General Manager – Distribution