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Happy Easter from the team at Chubb Life | April 2023


It’s hard to believe Easter is already upon us. I hope you get a chance to enjoy a well-deserved break with your loved ones and take some time to recharge. It’s also hard to believe we’re now a month into our journey as Chubb Life and I’m happy to share we’ve had very positive feedback about the new brand.

You’ve also told us that the Adviser Resources site with its new tools is making it easier for you to do business with your customers. Keep reading for some handy hints and tips on how to make the most of the available resources.

New Zealanders along with people in many parts of the world have been facing some tough times in the last few months and we’re aware of the financial and environmental pressures many people are facing. That’s why we’ve extended our Two Months’ Free campaign until 31 May 2023. We’re hearing from you that it’s a great conversation starter with your customers so we’re very happy to continue to support you in this way.

Speaking of support, we couldn’t do what we do at Chubb Life without the fantastic people who work behind the scenes here. We’re also aware there’s a number of people who support you to help your customers get the protection they need. We’d love to celebrate and acknowledge their hard work by giving you the opportunity to nominate them for the Chubb Life Support Person of the Year. You’ll simply need to explain in a few sentences the reason your team member should be celebrated. See below for all the details.

Recently many of you attended our inaugural Chubb Life Operations Roadshow held across the country from the North Shore of Auckland down to Dunedin. We were simply delighted with your response to these events with nearly 800 of you attending nationwide. Hear about some of our attendees’ experience below.

That’s about all from me. As always, if you have any questions about anything in the newsletter or any of our products and services, please get in touch with your Business Partnership Manager.

Have a wonderful Easter break.

Warm regards,

David Haak
General Manager – Distribution