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Essential safety tips every woman should know when driving alone

woman driving solo

Ladies, are you ready to hit the road and embark on your next adventure? 

There's nothing more empowering than owning your car and cruising to new destinations on your own terms. However, as a woman driving alone, safety can be a concern. But fret not! With a bit of extra vigilance, you can stay safe and enjoy your solo rides to the fullest. 

Remember, nothing should stop you from exploring the world and taking the driver's seat of your own life! Whether you're taking a road trip or driving home late after a long day at work, here are some practical tips that could come in handy in time of need. 

  1. Invest in regular maintenance
    • Stay on the road to adventure without any bumps - maintain your vehicle regularly! Not only will it save you money in the long run, but it will also keep you safe and confident while exploring new destinations. Take care of your car, and your car will take care of you!
  2. Be mindful of where you park 
    • If feasible, try to park your car near the exit of a parking lot, or choose a well-lit area if you expect it to be dark when you come back. Point your vehicle in the direction you plan to leave so that you can make a fast exit in case of an emergency. 
  3. Always approach your car with the keys in your hand
    • Keep your car keys handy and minimize your distractions by leaving your phone in your purse or pocket. Walk with confidence towards your car. As soon as you get in, lock the doors, start the engine, and drive away promptly.
  4. Check the backseat before getting in 
    • It is common to become distracted when doing quick stops like at a petrol station, to pick up takeout or another quick stop. Always exercise caution by checking the backseat before getting into your car, whether you've been gone for a few minutes or hours. An attacker may take advantage of your distraction and hide in the backseat without your knowledge. 
  5. Never pull over for strangers
    • Just like mom always told us, “Never talk to strangers”, the same goes when driving by yourself. Although we may have a natural urge to assist others, but it's better to be safe than sorry, so continue driving and avoid any potential risks. If you're concerned about someone, you can always call for help from the authorities.
  6. Never leave valuable items on display
    • Avoid leaving your handbag and other valuable items on the passenger seat. It's safer to put them in the boot as leaving them in view of passers-by can make you a target for smash-and-grab thefts.
  7. Keep an emergency kit in your car
    • Always carry an emergency kit in your car. It should contain basic first aid, some food, a power bank, a charger, extra clothes, cash, and a pepper spray. Keep it within your reach.
  8. Share your travel plan and location with friends and family
    • Make sure to inform your family and friends about your travel plans and stay in touch with them while you're on the go. This will enable them to track you and know immediately when and how to reach you in case of an emergency.

Apart from the tips mentioned, it's crucial to trust your instincts and not let fear overwhelm you. To ensure added safety, keep the roadside assistance number within reach and consider including suitable add-on covers in your car insurance. Chubb's MY Car Insurance comes with different packages that covers various benefits such as minor roadside repair, 24/7 unlimited towing service, temporary replacement car and hotel accommodation benefit, flood coverage and more. Get your car properly insured in accordance with your needs before you hit the road. Stay protected and confident while driving.



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Essential Safety Tips Every Woman Should Know When Driving Alone

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