The Technical Lines Engineering function provides specialist support to Chubb’s underwriters and claims personnel, delivering unbiased, succinct, accurate and timely information upon which underwriting decisions can be made.
This information may be either topic specific or a critique of the normal exposures associated with risk areas such as catastrophic perils, fire, property and technology. If necessary it extends to an analysis of profit with qualification of information by site visit. This latter element also extends to risk management.
The expertise we provide for our claims specialists includes an assessment of the cause of a problem and best practices for recovery. We also ensure a feedback loop to our underwriters, giving them valuable loss estimation information to continually develop Chubb’s ability to provide clients with suitable and competitive cover.
Our engineers are located within Chubb’s key underwriting offices and, combined with our supporting consultancy panel, have extensive industrial experience and knowledge. This covers a wide range of sectors and issues including property, mining, power and construction projects, creating an integrated team that is especially client and market focused. This expertise and experience extends across both property and machinery breakdown and operational policy covers.
With key European Technical Lines offices in London, Cologne, Paris, Madrid, Moscow and Bahrain we work closely with our colleagues in Atlanta, Santiago de Chile, Sydney and Singapore.
Our engineers have linguistic ability in Russian, German, French, English, Spanish, Turkish, Portuguese and Italian. A number of our engineers have designated regional responsibilities to maximise language advantage and we work closely and parallel with our American colleagues to afford US jurisdictional inspections and National Board stamps as and where required.
We also work closely with Original Engine Manufacturers (OEMs) and third party suppliers, as well as contributing to and attending various industry seminars and conferences. Our memberships include the European Power Committee, European Wind Turbine Committee, UK & Ireland Construction Insurance Risk Engineers Group (CIREG) and various associations including International Association of Engineering Insurers (IMIA), Powered Europe Advisory Committee (Gas Turbines) and Electric Power Europe.