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Dramatic increases in political instability and mass public demonstrations against governments are becoming increasingly more apparent. The possibility of disruption and loss in the wake of social unrest has become an urgent reality for insurance and risk managers.

The latter half of 2010 and early 2011 were especially marked by large scale anti-government protests, from student protests in the UK & Ireland to austerity protests in Rome and mass protests across the North Africa and the Middle East.

Political violence in Bangkok and Cairo should cause every company with operations in emerging markets to re-evaluate the adequacy of their risk management strategies. The aim should be to ensure as broad a range of perils as possible are covered, to reduce any uncertainty and dependency on the classification of an event.

To ensure seamless cover between your clients' standard property and political violence exposures, Chubb provides combined property, terrorism and war programmes. This ensures that you will have satisfied your clients' needs and that they will be protected against the impact of political violence and instability.

Product Highlights

  • Offices in over 50 countries worldwide, enabling Chubb to offer a more informed and local understanding of terrorism risk
  • Flexibility to handle customers’ specific requirements such as contingent business interruption
  • A wide variety of innovative products and services
  • The ability to provide package policies with other Chubb products
  • Local policies which adhere to relevant local laws and regulations
  • Cost efficiencies of single policy issuance prevents paying twice for overlapping cover
  • Direct access and wrap around cover to compulsory pool arrangements worldwide
  • Dedicated terrorism and aggregate management team
  • Exclusive real time security analysis


Our global network of offices ensures clients benefit from our local knowledge.

Chubb provides:

  • US $100m line placed on either primary, excess or full value basis
  • Cohesive cover, with fully integrated property damage, business interruption, terrorism and political violence packaged policies
  • Stand alone terrorism or broad form political violence programmes including war and civil war
  • Third party and contingent business interruption cover including threat and liability cover.
  • Standard political violence packages tailored to meet your insurance needs

Target Market

Our global terrorism cover can be tailored to suit many industry sectors. The following are typical examples:

  • Retailers, department stores
  • Hotels
  • Tour operators, amusement parks, events
  • Banks and financial institutions
  • Real estate companies
  • International brand name companies
  • Onshore energy and power risks
  • Telecommunications
  • Project finance and construction
  • Bridges, tunnels and infrastructure such as airports, ports and railways

Contact us

Deirdre Moore
Property Underwriter