Jeremy Cole
Robert Tailby
E :
Karl Curtis
Chubb RiskMap is a risk management assessment tool designed to benefit large and complex organisations. It assesses each client’s risk management system relative to the hazards it seeks to control. Or, in other words, more hazardous businesses need more comprehensive management than less hazardous ones.
Risk management scores are assessed against a Chubb benchmark, produced in line with regulatory requirements and representing realistic standards for risk management and effective claims defence capability.
The result is a detailed analysis and targeted recommendations, together with a quantitative analysis showing graphically the current standard of risk management and the standard that could be achieved should our risk improvements be implemented. It also allows for benchmarking of facilities within your own organisation and your industrial peer group. We can offer a wide range of tailored risk solutions to help clients improve their risk quality.
RiskMap assessments are completed by highly qualified specialist consultants, selected from our roster for their knowledge of the client’s industry.