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Policyholders of Whole Life insurance with payments maturing at the age of 55/60/65 can include this rider in their main policy to increase the insured value. For a reasonable additional premium, you can double the insured value of your main policy by including this Term Rider to age 55/60/65.

Coverage Highlights

Death Benefit

  • If the Insured dies while the rider is in force, Chubb Life will pay the Beneficiary the Death Benefit equal to 100% of the face amount of the rider on the condition that no Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Benefits have been claimed beforehand

Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Benefit

  • If the Insured suffers TPD while the rider is in force, Chubb Life will pay the amount of benefit equal to the face amount of the rider. The benefit will be paid in 10 installments over 10 (ten) years. If the Insured dies before 10 such payments have been made, Chubb Life will pay the remaining amount in one lump sum.
  • This is a non-participating and without-cash-value product
  • Entry age: 18 to 45/50/55 years
  • Expiry age: 55/60/65 years
  • Insurance duration: from the valid date until the Insured turns 55/60/65 years old
  • Payment frequency: in accordance with the main policy (quarterly, half-yearly and yearly)
  • Inclusion: Universal Life and Whole Life with payments to age 55/60/65 years

Term Rider to age 55/60/65

Please see full details of the BBQ and Policy Wordings as below:

This document provides basic information about the product(s). Please contact Chubb Life Sales Team or hotline on (84.8) 38 27 8123 for more details.

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