Leading crime insurance cover designed to provide broad protection for businesses.
Product Highlights:
- A highly experienced underwriting team with a vast amount of knowledge regarding the criminal issues facing commercial enterprises
- An element of cover for losses sustained by third parties as well as for the insured.
- Chubb’s financial strength means it has a strong capital base that can deal with major exposures and give balance sheet protection to its clients.
- Swift access to quote and bind for all UK-based businesses with turnover of up to £250 million.
Standard cover includes protection against:
- Fraud committed by employees
- External crime
- fraud committed by third parties by means of
- computer crime
- Forgery
- Counterfeit
- Fraudulent alteration
- Theft
We can also extend cover to include
- Contractual penalties
- Extortion
- Interest
- Outsourcing
Cover can also be limited, by endorsement, to offer internal crime cover only.