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We all have a responsibility to ensure that our enterprise doesn’t adversely impact our environment. Are your clients aware of their risks? Are they protected? And if the worst case scenario does happen, what plans are in place to minimise the damage?

We Can Help To Identify Your Clients’ Environmental Risks

Pollution is not just a consideration for heavy industry. Your clients have an environmental risk if they:

  • Own, operate or buy and sell property
  • Operate on 3rd party premises
  • Use, store, transport or produce a substance that may cause contamination
  • Create solid, liquid or gaseous waste
  • Redevelop brown field


The pace and breadth of environmental legislation and regulation means you need to ensure your clients are aware of the liabilities they may face, now and in the future. There are more than 250 pieces of legislation which have environmental implications. We can help you identify which are relevant for your clients.

Balance Sheet Protection

Ultimate responsibility for cleaning up contamination rests with the polluter. Environmental liability insurance provides a cost effective means of transferring this exposure, removing the cost from your clients’ balance sheets.

Damage To Reputation

Public and political awareness has grown, fuelling negative media attention and ultimately resulting in long term brand damage.

Corporate Governance

Environmental liability is firmly on the boardroom agenda, fuelled by pressure to operate in a sustainable way and by the necessity to demonstrate environmental protection credentials as part of any tender process or CSR programme.

Risks For Concern In Luxury Goods Industrty

Environmental, business travel and directors and officers liability (D&O) are three emerging risks for the luxury goods industry to watch.