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Critical Illness

The Critical Illness plan provides global health insurance protection against some of the most common and serious illnesses in the Philippines such as cancer, heart attack, coronary artery bypass surgery, stroke and kidney failure.

Such long-term illnesses can place an extremely heavy financial burden on you and your loved ones.

Critical illness plans seek to relieve the policyholder's financial burden by providing a lump sum payment upon diagnosis. These essential health insurancefunds can help replace lost income or defray the costs of medical or rehabilitation expenses, and are an important part of seniors’ health insurance coverage.

Hospital Income

Hospital Income refers to a daily cash benefit the policyholder receives in the event of hospitalization due to medical treatment or surgery. After payment of the health insurance premium, this money is paid regardless of the actual expenses incurred during your hospital stay.

The Insured can choose how to use the cash–to pay hospital bills, purchase medicines or even cover daily living expenses. Being able to access health insurance provides financial security for the Insured and their family during this unfortunate time.

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