When you’re seeking excess liability protection, you need a strong and reliable partner. Chubb Bermuda International provides catastrophe excess liability insurance to large, global companies that are incorporated outside of North America.
Our core product is the Occurrence First Reported Form, which provides catastrophe excess liability insurance and is offered to all industry classes. Coverage highlights include:
Chubb Bermuda International will follow selected Claims Made underlying wordings and can provide capacity to a diverse range of industry classes.
Chubb Bermuda International provides Occurrence Follow Form capacity to selected Industry classes only including those with limited product latency exposure such as light manufacturing, finance, real estate, insurance, retail, wholesale, transportation, utilities and services.
Chubb Bermuda International offers affirmative punitive damages cover as a 'wrap' of Chubb North America casualty policy, up to $50m in aggregated wrap.
Excess Liability Team
Rebekah Barnes
Excess Liability Manager
Chubb Bermuda International
Chubb Building
100 Leadenhall Street
London EC3A 3BP
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7073 4329
Email: rebekah.barnes@chubb.com
Chubb Bermuda International is a trading name of Chubb European Group Limited registered number 1112892 registered in England & Wales with registered offices at 100 Leadenhall Street London EC3A 3BP. Chubb Bermuda International’s insurance products are provided by Chubb European Group Limited. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Full details can be found online at https://register.fca.org.uk.