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Our service

If you have a regulatory issue and need legal representation, Chubb has negotiated preferential and discounted rates for the benefit of all current Chubb ForeFront and EPL policyholders as an additional benefit.

Subject to the terms of your policy, Chubb will provide you with comprehensive legal support and representation in connection with any criminal or regulatory issue investigation. This will include:

Dealing with the investigator direct

As soon as you receive notification of an investigation, our partner will contact the investigator on your behalf which will mean that all correspondence will come to our partner and they will be able to discuss details of the investigation and agree how the process will proceed.

Dealing with the investigation

The first step in any investigation is to make sure you are aware of the steps being undertaken by the investigator as far as possible and to ensure you are seen to co-operate fully where appropriate. How this will be achieved will depend very much on who the investigator is (e.g. police, HSE, Trading Standards etc) and what the investigation relates to. Our partner will make sure that you are in the best possible position from the outset.

Identifying witnesses and preparing the case

Our partner will make sure that any relevant witnesses are identified at an early stage so that they can maximise the available time to work with the relevant witnesses in connection with the preparation of witness evidence and, if necessary, to prepare the relevant witnesses for any appearance in court (whether Magistrates Court or Crown Court). Cases can be time-consuming when all witnesses have other responsibilities elsewhere doing their day job. Therefore, inconvenience to a minimum and witnesses are contacted when their time can be effectively used.

Our partner will also work with you to identify the relevant documents for disclosure and for your defence.

Dealing with regulatory interviews

Interviews can be daunting but they can be vital to defending your position pro-actively. Our partner will make sure you are fully prepared and supported in any interview in order to stand the best chance of preventing the investigation proceeding to a prosecution.

Representation in any prosecution

If you are prosecuted,  our partner will make sure that you are legally represented at the hearing and that your experienced representative is fully prepared and briefed to represent you. This will include making sure your witnesses are comfortable with their part in any proceedings.

Our partner  will ensure that any case is fully argued at the relevant stages (including at the trial or any sentencing hearing) and that where necessary the prosecution and any witnesses are put to strict proof and thoroughly cross-examined.

After the hearing

If any matters need attending to following the hearing, our partners’ service will continue until the proceedings are fully concluded. Whilst its not expected to be needed very often, our partner service includes dealing with any matters or further hearings in relation to compensation and, if appropriate, consideration of an appeal.

If you would like our partner to provide your legal representation, it is important that you advise your broker and/or Chubb during the claims notification process.