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Employers' Liability

Chubb offers brokers the benefits of its underwriters’ knowledge and expertise to write a wide variety of risks – from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

Employers' Liability Tracing Office

The Employers’ Liability Tracing Office (ELTO) is an independent body which was formed by the insurance industry in order to pro-actively help potential claimants find their Employers’ Liability insurer when they have suffered injury or disease

Excess Liability

Chubb provides follow-form and drop-down excess public and products liability insurance, giving a business valuable top-up cover to its primary layer.

General Liability for Multinational Businesses

A leader in providing liability insurance worldwide.

International Liability

Providing a range of services to companies that are based outside of the UK & Ireland.

Public / Products Liability

Public/Product Liability insurance service provided to its brokers.

Liability Insurance Expertise

Chubb provides specialised liability insurance products for clients of all sizes to protect business operations at multiple levels. Our skilled underwriters focus on client needs and provide superior service delivery, including custom solutions for challenging exposures or loss sensitive programmes.

Excess Liability from Chubb Online

As a broker, you can access instant online quotes and bind cover efficiently.
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Sarah Higgins
Casualty Manager 