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The unexpected has a way of happening to everyone. At Chubb, we understand that behind every claim is a person, a family, a story. And we're here to listen to the details that makes your claim unique. We'll then get to work to help you recover, recoup and reclaim your losses and your life.

Report Your Claim

You can report your claim 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through one of the following options:


Phone: 1-800-532-4822

Your Local Broker: Contact your agent or broker who can submit a claim on your behalf

When reporting a claim it is helpful to provide as many facts as possible. To simplify and expedite the claims process, please have the following information ready when you call, or to provide the information in an email.

  • Your contact information – your full name and phone number
  • Your policy number
  • The date the loss occurred
  • The address of the loss location
  • A brief description of the loss
  • The contact information for any other parties involved (including any contractors, experts, other drivers etc.)