
Chubb Worldview

Bringing it all together

Developed specifically for multinational risk managers, Chubb Worldview® is a Web-based desktop portal that gives you access to our systems and expertise in one easy-to-use application. It’s unique in the industry and it’s exclusive to Chubb.

Seeing the Big Picture

Chubb Worldview allows you to monitor the status of your entire global program – in real time – from an intuitive, easy-to-navigate home screen. You can

  • See program status updates on a daily basis

  • Get copies of local policies and certificates

  • Access the Chubb Insurance Directory®, the proprietary research tool our underwriters, account managers and legal staff use every day.

Other features include program contacts, multinational standards, policy issuance monitoring, and more.

You also may benefit from access to Global RiskAdvantage® our state-of-the-art multinational loss­reporting tool.

Through the various application pages you will be able to track the completion of account activities, review comments and delay reasons for overdue activities, and locate documentation for activities that have been completed. Chubb Worldview also provides customized reporting tools for managing and tracking program information.


Program Summary: Allows you to track program activities across the global Chubb network. This is updated daily from our proprietary Global Accounts eXchange system.

Document Library: Contains important documents that pertain to your program such as implementation instructions, policies, claims bulletins, and other program documents.

Report Center: Allows you to generate detailed reports showing the status of the activities on your program and also details of the activities that are available. The report center will allow you to generate reports in multiple formats (PDF, Excel, and HTML) and these reports will be stored temporarily for easy retrieval.

Chubb Multinational Research: Powered in part by Axco (Axco is a trademark of Axco Insurance Information Services Ltd., a leading independent supplier of global insurance market information), our research tool enables you to investigate, report on, and respond to legislative and market practice changes that influence your insurance program on a daily basis. Through the Chubb Insurance Directory, you have access to an online facility that enables the evaluation of country level insurance information, by line of business, including changes in regulation and supervision, and general market conditions. It additionally provides details on our local network capability, such as company name, financial rating, and contacts.

Loss Information: Links you to Global RiskAdvantage® loss information reporting tool. This tool has claims updates, customizable data fields, alerts, reporting, and modeling capabilities.

Chubb Multinational News: Most recent developments, and articles affecting multinational business. This page will contain information on important personnel updates, updates to Chubb’s multinational network, and much more.

Service Standards: Displays Chubb general servicing standards. These service standards define the accepted time table for completion of the various activities associated with multinational programs.

Global Engineering Network: Links you to a Web-based system, Chubb AGEN, which offers loss prevention and risk management programs to our clients. The Chubb Global Engineering Network is your one place to call for engineering services designed to prevent and control the impact of major losses.

Program Contacts: Contact information for your program.

Chubb Worldview also allows you to set up email alerts so that you are immediately notified when specific activities in your program have been completed across the Chubb network. This is designed to offer Risk Managers unique insight into their multinational insurance programs. It allows easy access to all of the vital program information – anytime, anywhere.

Get Started Now. Log In To Chubb Worldview

For more information about Chubb Worldview, please contact: Christopher Jackson, Vice President, NA Field Operations +1 302 476 6568.

Global Information At Your Fingertips
