Even though we still can’t predict earthquakes or how strong they’ll be, you can take steps to prepare for one and mitigate the amount of damage it causes.

  1. Make sure your home is stable. 
    Have your house inspected for seismic diagnosis, and if necessary, reinforce or repair it based on the results. Reinforce not only your house but also fortify walls and other structures to minimize damage in the event of an earthquake.

  2. Prevent furniture from toppling
    Attach bookcases, heavy furnishings and appliances to walls and floors. The less things can move and/or tip, the better off you’ll be.

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  3. Prepare for fires
    Avoid placing combustible materials around heating devices such as stoves. Fires can occur when combustible materials come into contact with heating equipment due to the collapse of a house or toppling of furniture.

  4. Early detection and prevention measures
    Install a residential fire alarm. Obviously, you need to have your gas and electric running every day, but if an earthquake happens, you’ll need to be able to shut them off quickly to keep your home and family safe.

  5. Prevent injury
    Keep a flashlight and gloves in a readily accessible place. If an earthquake happens during the night, these will protect your feet and hands from debris, broken glass and other sharp objects on the floor or around your home.

  6. Prepare an emergency kit
    Prepare your emergency supplies and decide where to put them.【Emergency kit】
    Drinking water, portable radio, clothing, underwear, footwear, food (instant noodles, canned food, etc.), bottled water, valuables (cash, personal seal, etc.), flashlight, first aid supplies, toiletries, helmet, rain gear (to protect against cold), wet wipes, mask, gloves, etc."

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