Travel Insurance

Whether you're off on a short trip, a two week holiday or a backpacking adventure, you can choose the travel insurance cover that matches your trip. There is no need to pay for cover you simply do not need. We will provide clear facts about the benefits and options so you can decide what insurance cover is right for you. We also offer travel insurance for foreign students in Europe and for students taking up an internship abroad.

Accident Insurance

Our portfolio of competitively priced and adaptable accident insurances has been created to respond to the significant emotional and financial consequences of unforeseen events. With one of the longest track records in providing accident insurance covers, we undertake extensive market research, so that each product is carefully conceived with the needs of the customer and his/her family in mind.

Term Life Insurance

Every stage of life brings with it different responsibilities, priorities and needs for financial protection. We can offer that protection by the Term Life and the Accelerated Life insurances.

Exclusive Cars

If you own a car typically worth more than € 30,000, you can choose motor cover and service unlike any other.

Masterpiece Insurance

Voor de vermogende particulier, die hoge eisen stelt aan de bescherming van privébezit als woning(en), luxe inboedels, kostbare sieraden en kunst(verzameling) heeft Chubb het product Masterpiece® ontwikkeld.